Our Mission
The American Culinary Federation provides accredited educational programs, certifications, competitions and networking designed to enhance professional growth for all current and future chefs and pastry chefs.
Our purpose is to bring together members of the profession and to promote among them a spirit of friendship and good fellowship. To encourage and assist our members to obtain and maintain ACF certification. Promote the certification program in our area. To improve the culinary knowledge of students and members through education and support. To develop apprenticeship programs and to support post-secondary culinary educational programs through American Culinary Federation Educational Foundation and other qualifying Culinary Institutions. To ensure the apprentices and students are adequately trained for the industry.

What We Offer
The American Culinary Federation offers support in the following areas: The Latest In Industry Trends, Career Recognition, Accreditation for Culinary Education, An Honor Society, Representation in International Competitions, Access to a Million-Member Intercontinental Society, A Fight Against Hunger and Childhood Obesity, Product Quality Assurance, and A National Apprenticeship Program.
Culinarian’s Code
As a proud member of the American Culinary Federation, I pledge to share my professional knowledge and skill with all culinarians. I will place honor, fairness, cooperation and consideration first when dealing with my colleagues. I will keep all comments professional and respectful when dealing with my colleagues. I will protect all members from the use of unfair means, unnecessary risks and unethical behavior when used against them for another’s personal gain. I will support the success, growth, and future of my colleagues and this great federation.